Captain Picard works on a math problem that he forgot had already been solved while Data wears a cowboy hat. Join your bemused hosts as they discuss dusty old bones, pulp fiction taglines, and the most efficacious strategies for getting down to bidness. Also, an unplaaaaaanned guest schools Dan on the proper way to prepare vegemite toast.
Spoiler warning! We dive right into a detail-rich discussion of this episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, so if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet – beware!
Per our second break fun-em-up, you can check out “The Best of the Worst Pulp Fiction” at
Next week: We keep up the semi-period piece casino adventure theme with Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s ‘Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang’

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.
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