Burnham channels John McClane and James Kirk while Admiral Vance tricks Osyraa into eating Federation feces. Join your apple-loving hosts as they discuss the strategies employed by various parties in the current narrative, the culmination of an increased focus on the bridge crew, and how to determine the difference between cute and too cute.
Spoiler warning! We dive right into a detail-rich discussion of this episode, so if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet – beware!
Next week: We discuss the finale of Star Trek: Discovery’s third season, and predict what’s to come in season 4!

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.
Check out the Feedspot list of Top 60 Star Trek Podcasts for 2021.
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