Podcast: It's Got Star Trek

The It’s Got Star Trek podcast offers a weekly, irreverent, and in-depth dive into all the various corners of the Star Trek franchise. Revel in ribald discussion of episodes and movies plucked from across time and space, including The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, and Prodigy, as well as full coverage of Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, and Strange New Worlds!

#29 – ‘Cause and Effect’ TNG S5E18

Dr. Crusher saves the day using poker, deduction, and fragile stemware. Join your thrupling hosts as they discuss the curious mechanics of looping through time, the value of unwavering trust in your senior staff, and exactly how long a way it is to the bottom of the warp core.

Next week: We root for Commander Riker as he tries to maneuver himself out of a mental prison in ‘Frame of Mind’ – episode 21 of Star Trek: The Next Generation’s sixth season.

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Check out the Feedspot list of Top 60 Star Trek Podcasts for 2020.

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You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

#28 – ‘Past Tense (Parts I & II)’ DS9 S6E11 & 12

Sisko, Dax, and Bashir get a taste of our potential future when they travel back in time and witness the culmination of centuries of inequitable public policy. Join your increasingly radicalized hosts as they discuss the social, political, and cultural drivers of oppression, the danger of willful ignorance, and the value of fiction for inspiring change in this, the 28th episode of It’s Got Star Trek.

Next week: We return to slightly sunnier pastures as we discuss the clever sci-fi shenanigans of ‘Cause and Effect’ – episode 18 of Star Trek: The Next Generation’s fifth season.

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Check out the Feedspot list of Top 60 Star Trek Podcasts for 2020.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

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You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

#27 – ‘In the Pale Moonlight’ DS9 S6E19

Captain Sisko teams up with Garak to troll the Romulans. Join your morally-conflicted hosts as they discuss the ethical complexities of galactic warfare, the brilliance of Avery Brooks and Andrew Robinson, and the creepiness of one Mr. Grathon Tolar on this, the 27th episode of It’s Got Star Trek!

Also, we announce the winners of the free T-Shirt contest!

Next week: We go with the social flow and dive right back into DS9 to discuss the increasingly and upsettingly relevant two-parter, ‘Past Tense’ – episodes 11 and 12 from Season 3. This might be a rough one, folks.

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Check out the Feedspot list of Top 60 Star Trek Podcasts for 2020.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

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Watch a static image while listening to the podcast on YouTube

Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

#26 – ‘Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad’ Discovery S1E07

Michael Burnham overcomes her social anxiety with the help of a wayward space whale, a rascally con man, and a genetically-modified friend. Join your time-agnostic hosts as they discuss the value of disrupted routines, curiously contemporary music, and the logic of love on this, the 26th episode of It’s Got Star Trek!

Next week: We debate the complex moral minefields of interstellar war and peace as we discuss ‘In the Pale Moonlight’ – the 19th episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s sixth season.

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Check out the Feedspot list of Top 60 Star Trek Podcasts for 2020.

Clem Fandango

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

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Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

#25 – ‘A Piece of the Action’ TOS S2E17

Need a concrete example for why the prime directive is so important? Alternatively, looking for any sort of contrivance to watch Captain Kirk and Commander Spock dress up as sexy gangsters? Whichever is your pleasure you will get served nicely in ‘A Piece of the Action,’ episode 17 of the original Star Trek’s second season. Join your fawning fedora fan hosts as they debate the morality of interstellar interference, the difference between art and dogma, and the sheer joy of William Shatner’s acting in this episode.

Next week: We investigate the time-cycling shenanigans of one Harcourt Fenton Mudd in ‘Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad’ – the seventh episode of Star Trek: Discovery’s first season.

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Check out the Feedspot list of Top 60 Star Trek Podcasts for 2020.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

Twitter us @ItsGotStarTrek

Instagramaphone us @ItsGotStarTrek

Facebookify us @ItsGotStarTrek

Watch a static image while listening to the podcast on YouTube

Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

#24 – ‘Rogue Planet’ Enterprise S1E18

Captain Archer is an explorer at heart, though he may not have expected to explore himself! Join your increasingly wacky hosts as they discuss sexy flatworms, unusual pigs, and the transitional vibe of Enterprise straddling the pre- and post-9/11 world.

We’d also like to thank the fine folks at Feedspot for adding the It’s Got Star Trek podcast to their list of the Top 60 Star Trek podcasts. We highly recommend visiting that list as it is packed with amazing podcasts to help you fill the crushing void in between our episodes.

Next week: We travel to Sigma Iotia II in an attempt to get “A Piece of the Action” – join us next Saturday as we examine the seventeenth episode of TOS’ second season.

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Check out the Feedspot list of Top 60 Star Trek Podcasts for 2020.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

Twitter us @ItsGotStarTrek

Instagramaphone us @ItsGotStarTrek

Facebookify us @ItsGotStarTrek

Watch a static image while listening to the podcast on YouTube

Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!