Podcast: It's Got Star Trek

The It’s Got Star Trek podcast offers a weekly, irreverent, and in-depth dive into all the various corners of the Star Trek franchise. Revel in ribald discussion of episodes and movies plucked from across time and space, including The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, and Prodigy, as well as full coverage of Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, and Strange New Worlds!

#11 – ‘The End is the Beginning’ Picard S1E03

After a few weeks of gathering clues and dodging disruptors, Admiral Picard has assembled the party that will join him on his quest to avoid helping Zhaban and Laris with the harvest.  Try to follow along as your snakeleaf-muddled hosts examine fatal code errors, disordered Borg, and increasingly-hard-to-ignore hints of Romulan incest. There is a lot going on in the world today – take the opportunity to escape by listening to this, your 11th episode of It’s Got Star Trek!

Subscribe to the It’s Got Star Trek Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, YouTube, or whichever clever podcast app you are most fond of.

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

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Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

#10 – ‘Maps & Legends’ Picard S1E02

Holy targnation, what an episode! Sexy Romulans, violent synths, and the ever-present threat of pinot-thirsty spittlebugs! Your anything but lugubrious hosts revel in the expanding mystery surrounding Soji, Narek, and the rest of the gang. What secret are the Zhat Vash hiding? Will Raffi help Picard or just drink his wine? Why hasn’t mall escalator technology advanced further by the turn of the 25th century? These questions and more are posed but inadequately addressed in this, your 10th episode of It’s Got Star Trek!

Subscribe to the It’s Got Star Trek Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, YouTube, or whichever clever podcast app you are most fond of.

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

Twitter us @ItsGotStarTrek

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Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

#9 – ‘Remembrance’ Picard S1E01

Oooooweee! The long wait is finally over as your chaotically neutral hosts delve deeply and lovingly into our old friend, Jean-Luc. We analyze the pilot episode of Star Trek: Picard, ‘Remembrance,’ in the fashion of fresh young school boys excited about a shipment of pristine marbles. There is a lot to cover in this one, so our advice to you is to get started listening – straight away now, no doddling or faffing about!

Subscribe to the It’s Got Star Trek Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, or whichever clever podcast app you are most fond of.

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

Twitter us @ItsGotStarTrek

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Facebookify us @ItsGotStarTrek

Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

#8 – ‘Beyond the Farthest Star’ & ‘Yesteryear’ TAS S1E01 & 02

While the fandom collectively waits to see the first episode of Star Trek: Picard, your jive-talking hosts take a look back at the first two episodes of Star Trek: The Animated series, ‘Beyond the Farthest Star’ and ‘Yesteryear.’ We discuss the broadened visual scope the animated format affords the production team (made up of many of the key players from The Original Series), the peculiar (and often profound) performance choices made by the actors, and Spock’s racist friends.

Next week we finally get to review fresh and delicious new Trek, as we begin covering each and every episode of Star Trek: Picard. Let’s hope it is as glorious and brilliant as the shine on Patrick Stewart’s sexy head!

Subscribe to the It’s Got Star Trek Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, or whichever clever podcast app you are most fond of.

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

Twitter us @ItsGotStarTrek

Instagramaphone us @ItsGotStarTrek

Facebookify us @ItsGotStarTrek

Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

#7 – ‘Context is for Kings’ Discovery Pilots (Part II)

In the newest episode of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast, your distractable hosts discuss King of the Hill, Benson, Star Trek II, Star Trek Phase II, Lake Geneva, masturbation croissants, The Expanse, The Orville, Fried Green Tomatoes, a cat meowing, Too Close for Comfort, swiss chard, suspension of disbelief shattered by errant trombone slide positions, TNG bloopers, tips for picking wineberries, chess pies versus pecan pies, the curiously convergent genetic origins of a variety of staple vegetables, The Cube, Benny and Joon, prolapsed anuses, and, occasionally, episode 3 of Star Trek: Discovery, ‘Context is For Kings.’

Subscribe to the It’s Got Star Trek Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, or whichever clever podcast app you are most fond of.

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

Twitter us @ItsGotStarTrek

Instagramaphone us @ItsGotStarTrek

Facebookify us @ItsGotStarTrek

Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

#6 – ‘The Vulcan Hello’ & ‘Battle at the Binary Stars’ Discovery Pilots (Part I)

Would you believe it?  Another week, and another new episode of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast!  In this new entry to our rapidly-expanding library of insightful, irreverent (and ultimately irrelevant) audio recordings, your hosts discuss the first two episodes of Star Trek: Discovery, ‘The Vulcan Hello’ and ‘Battle at the Binary Stars.’  There will be praise, there will be frustration, and, most importantly, there will be references to the Klingon blood scientist from Enterprise.  Oh, before you ask, yes we will be covering the third episode, “Context is for Kings,” next week since that is essentially a second pilot for the series.  Note that this episode was not sponsored by Siggi’s Icelandic-style Triple Cream Vanilla skyr yogurt, no matter what you think you might have heard.

Subscribe to the It’s Got Star Trek Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, or whichever clever podcast app you are most fond of.

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

Twitter us @ItsGotStarTrek

Instagramaphone us @ItsGotStarTrek

Facebookify us @ItsGotStarTrek

Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!