Tag: neelix

#254 – ‘Parturition’ Voyager S2E07

Neelix and Paris argue over whether or not to abandon a sickly baby. Join your rash-prone hosts as they discuss slimy monster babies, Berman-era sexual politics, and the truth behind Neelix’s famous “hair pasta” – all this and quite frankly too much more in the latest jam-packed episode of It’s Got Star Trek!

Spoiler warning! We dive right into a detail-rich discussion of this episode of Star Trek: Voyager, so if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet – beware!

Next week: We’ll be joined by Jessi from the Crusher Convo podcast to discuss Star Trek: TNG’s “Attached” – it will be a good one!

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Would you like to give us money in return for extra silliness? Subscribe to our Patreon at patreon.com/itsgotstartrek!

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#246 – ‘Once Upon a Time’ Voyager S5E05

Neelix lies to a child to make himself feel better. Join your fantasy-loving hosts as they discuss best intentions misguided by past trauma, behind the scenes info on the original version of this weird and engaging tale, and the benefits of pushing past whimsey-world into the realm of the off-putting.

Spoiler warning! We dive right into a detail-rich discussion of this episode of Star Trek: Voyager, so if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet – beware!

Next week: We will discuss high-stakes bluffing and goofy aliens in Star Trek: The Original Series’ “The Corbomite Maneuver”

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Would you like to give us money in return for extra silliness? Subscribe to our Patreon at patreon.com/itsgotstartrek!

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You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion.

#233 – ‘Muse’ Voyager S6E22

B’Elanna effortlessly pretends the Prime Directive doesn’t exist. Join your theater-loving hosts as they discuss mythic story structure, writer’s writing about writing, and Tuvok the sleepy Vulcan.

Link to Patrick’s appearance on Unplanned Trek’s 50 Shades of Trek #38 (hosted by The Shuttlepod Show) in which the gang discusses Star Trek: The Original Series’ ‘Mudd’s Women’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiT4kP83WW0

Spoiler warning! We dive right into a detail-rich discussion of this episode of Star Trek: Voyager, so if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet – beware!

Next week: In preparation for the fifth and final season of Star Trek: Discovery, we will be discussing four of the Discovery-related Short Treks: ‘Runaway’, ‘Calypso’, ‘The Brightest Star’, and ‘The Girl Who Made the Stars’.

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Would you like to give us money in return for extra silliness? Subscribe to our Patreon at patreon.com/itsgotstartrek!

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

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You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion.

#223 – ‘Random Thoughts’ Voyager S4E10

Neelix is stinky and B’Elanna gets arrested. Join your telepathically-sensitive hosts as they discuss clever analogies to censorship and drug prohibition, Seven of Nine’s astute observations, and the bizarrely cavalier attitude Janeway has towards getting her thoughts recorded by goofy aliens.

Spoiler warning! We dive right into a detail-rich discussion of this episode of Star Trek: Voyager, so if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet – beware!

Next week: Dan’s podcast-topic-selecting algorithm will generate something truly exasperating for us to discuss!

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Record a message to us at itsgotstartrek.com/record

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You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion.

#218 – very Short Treks Season 1

Paramount+ causes a commotion with its animated celebration of Star Trek: The Animated Series’ 50th anniversary. Join your hesitant hosts as they discuss silly humor, gross-out humor, layered humor, and the various reactions to these promotional shorts.

Link to the Treksperts Quiz #213 – Battle of the Pods: https://www.youtube.com/live/Xafx_1gBWyM?si=zVQJ6KqBBskcFSZk

Link to the 4th Annual Trek Time awards show: https://www.youtube.com/live/4Ga1ZNV13K4?si=DLoL6iCLqwQ_t0s4

Link to Too Many Cooks – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrGrOK8oZG8

Links to the Electric Grandmother:

Reel 1 of 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxmZuXIhiEE

Reel 2 of 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaSE1LVSddc

Link to Lasagna Cat – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgmoMO66uPg

Spoiler warning! We dive right into a detail-rich discussion of these episodes of Star Trek: very Short Treks, so if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet – beware!

Next week: Check out website or social media to find out what we’ll be talking about next!

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Record a message to us at itsgotstartrek.com/record

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You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion.

#216 – ‘Cold Fire’ Voyager S2E10

Kes continues to show poor judgment in men. Join your subspace worm-like hosts as they discuss clever sci-fi concepts and interesting philosophical quandaries muddled by meandering execution, disjointed tonality, and bizarre plot choices. Also some discussion about Sally Struthers.

Spoiler warning! We dive right into a detail-rich discussion of this episode of Star Trek: Voyager, so if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet – beware!

Next week: We give Dan’s algorithm a holiday break and instead have manually selected two episodes from Star Trek: The Animated Series’ second season, ‘Bem’ and ‘The Practical Joker’

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Record a message to us at itsgotstartrek.com/record

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You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion.