Tag: Star Trek: General Topics

BONUS – Letters to Santa

Ho ho ho and merry krimble to all! We hope you will enjoy this holiday treat from the team at It’s Got Star Trek in which we consider what 2023 might bring for all the good little Star Trek fans around the globe. Figgy puddings and eggy nogs all around!

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

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Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options

BONUS – Star Trek by (the) Numbers

In this bonus episode Dan challenges Patrick and Jesse to a wicked game of wits concerning the topic of numbers in Star Trek. Think you’ve got the esoteric knowledge of Trek necessary to score better than us? Feel free to shout the correct answers at your podcast media device!

Note that there will be no spoilers for currently-airing episodes of Trek in these bonus episodes. Write us in at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com if you have a topic you’d like us to cover!

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

Twitter us @ItsGotStarTrek

Instagramaphone us @ItsGotStarTrek

Facebookify us @ItsGotStarTrek

Watch a static image while listening to the podcast on YouTube

Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

BONUS – Hypothetical Time Travel Scenarios

In this bonus episode we discuss hypothetical time travel scenarios that have not yet been covered in the Star Trek canon. Note: we are producing extra content to tide over our many fans that live outside of North America and cannot enjoy our weekly coverage of Star Trek: Discovery’s fourth season due to the business big-brains that govern Star Trek. There will be no spoilers for new episodes in these bonus episodes. Write us in at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com if you have a topic you’d like us to cover!

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

Twitter us @ItsGotStarTrek

Instagramaphone us @ItsGotStarTrek

Facebookify us @ItsGotStarTrek

Watch a static image while listening to the podcast on YouTube

Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

#100 – 100th Episode Spectravaganza!

We celebrate our 100th episode by responding to your listener mail! The discussion is vigorous and wide-ranging, covering our favorite bits of Trek (as well as our least favorite), which episodes are most thought provoking, things Trek could have done better, what other fandoms each of us partakes in, and much, much more. Thanks to everyone who sent in their questions and comments, and here’s looking to another 100 episodes (at least)!

Next week: We get our first look at the all new Star Trek: Prodigy with its first episode, “Lost and Found”!

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

Twitter us @ItsGotStarTrek

Instagramaphone us @ItsGotStarTrek

Facebookify us @ItsGotStarTrek

Watch a static image while listening to the podcast on YouTube

Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

BONUS – Year One Highlight Clip Extravaganza!

It’s that time of year when people gather around the fire with loved ones and listen to highlight clips from their favorite podcasts. As a hearty thank you to our amazing (and rapidly expanding) audience, we’ve put together a collection of highlights from our first year on the digital airwaves! Here’s hoping that 2021 is somewhat less cataclysmic than 2020…

Don’t fret! Our coverage of Star Trek: Discovery’s third season will continue this Saturday. Neither snow nor rain nor strenuous objections from increasingly concerned family members will stay us from our appointed podcast publication schedule!

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Check out the Feedspot list of Top 60 Star Trek Podcasts for 2020.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

Twitter us @ItsGotStarTrek

Instagramaphone us @ItsGotStarTrek

Facebookify us @ItsGotStarTrek

Watch a static image while listening to the podcast on YouTube

Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

#36 – The Most (and Least) Funny Attempts at Humor in Star Trek

Join your jocular hosts as they discuss audience nominations for the most and least funny attempts at humor in the Star Trek franchise. Beware some mild spoilers for the Original Series, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, Short Treks, and Picard! Thanks to everyone who sent in their thoughts, except for the one racist fellow (pro-tip: if you have to state “I’m not racist” then you may be a racist).

Next week: We embark on a ten week stint covering Star Trek: Lower Decks!

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Check out the Feedspot list of Top 60 Star Trek Podcasts for 2020.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

Twitter us @ItsGotStarTrek

Instagramaphone us @ItsGotStarTrek

Facebookify us @ItsGotStarTrek

Watch a static image while listening to the podcast on YouTube

Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!